Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Introduction

The Mugshot
Hello, world! I am not the best at introductions, but I will try to entertain you as well as inform you. I hope that I am successful! Feel free to contact me; my email address is jennthan (at)

Howdy, my name is Jennifer Than, and I am a sixth year senior. I am a double major--technically double degree pursuer--in Math and Computer Science. I hope to graduate in the Spring of 2013. I am taking CSCE 436: Computer Human Interaction because it is interesting. One of the main reasons why I entered the computer science world is because I have been fascinated in how technology has shaped the lives of people. I bring the experience of a hardworking, determined, and quirky personality from a warm but disciplined home. I also have a creative side; I like to draw! I have had several semesters of upper level computer science courses and have a strong background in math. I hope that this combination of technical skill and a creative mindset gives me an advantage in my classes and beyond.

I have some idealistic professional life goals and some more realistic professional life goals. If everything worked out perfectly for me, I would love to be working on developing purely enjoyable and fulfilling video games. More realistically, I want to be able to work on somehow enriching the lives of myself and others. I would like to get my doctorate and educate upcoming computer scientists or mathematicians and/or work in industry that would somehow contribute to improving the well-being of others. My personal life goals are quite simple: to be happy. I want to enjoy what I do, hang out with wonderful friends and family often, and continue to develop some of my artistic skills. After I graduate, I might either immediately continue on to graduate school or work in industry and then pursue my master's degree. In ten years, I think I will be in school, possibly pursuing a doctorate or just taking classes for fun and personal growth. Also, I want to be living in a beautiful home that I own.

I believe the next big technological advancement in computer science will be in artificial intelligence. As we continue to explore this thriving field of intense curiosity, we're going to discover how far AI can go in adapting to various environments. It will also continue to raise questions about our own possibilities and limitations. Specifically, I think the development of robots to handle disaster situations, like earthquakes or the sudden mass dislocation of people, will be a significant advancement.

If I could travel back in time, I think I would like to meet Socrates. I would get the opportunity to see both how the world was like and a man who thought outside the box. He shaped the minds of people throughout time, and his influences can still be seen today. I don't really have a favorite pair of shoes, but if I really had to choose one, I guess I would choose my Adidas sneakers. They are probably four or five years old, but they have lasted a long time and are still comfortable! If I could be fluent in any foreign language that I am not already fluent in, I would be fluent in Mandarin. It would give me a large advantage in industry, and I would learn a language that is not based on Latin. It also would make it easier to learn other languages that are related to it, like Japanese or Vietnamese. Finally, an interesting fact about myself is that I am a red belt in Tae Kwon Do. I am only two belts away from being a black belt.

1 comment:

  1. two belts from a black belt! very cool.

    i also would like to meet socrates. i am a big fan.
